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 Sinopharm International Guangzhou Ltd. was founded in 1993. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (Sinopharm) and an important member of Sinopharm Group. The company is located in Guangzhou CBD Central Business District, with Pearl River New City, Free Trade Zone and Taojin district and its own property and office space 24,000 square meters, net assets of nearly 200 million yuan.
    The company upholds the core concept of "Caring for Life and Attending to Health" and closely follows the "Medical" and "Medicine" double-loop strategies. The Company has formed a total of three core business segments: Medical Devices, Health and Wellness 3C Products Import and Export Trade and Agency Sales, Public hospital equipment and supplies "two votes" professional services, internal hospital market-oriented projects and the integration of blood purification chain project. At the same time also carry out bonded warehousing services and own property leasing business. After 24 years of development, the company currently has customers in more than 100 countries around the world. Every year, China wins the bid of dozens of large-scale public hospitals in China and the blood purification chain project has been steadily promoted.
   China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (Sinopharm)  is a large healthcare group directly under the Stateowned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council. Sinopharm owns 1,700 subsidiaries and 8 listed companies, with operating revenue of more than 700 billion yuan. In 2022, Sinopharm ranked 80th in Fortune Global 500 and 1st among global pharmaceutical companies. China International Medical and Health Corporation is the "medical platform" and "internationalized platform" of Sinopharm. It has 50 medical institutions and more than 10,000 beds.

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